In her own words:

"Immersed in my own troubles in life at a young age, I wanted to understand myself and those around me. My curious nature and Scorpio being seemed to make me hypersensitive to energy and emotion, so I always thought of myself as a catalyst in my environment. But let me tell you, it took many trials and tribulations to learn how to channel that in a positive direction.

"Throughout my journey, I’ve seen pain, suffering, misguidance, and neglect more times than I’d like to mention. But far and few between, I also saw how the human heart and spirit could patch up those cracks and make a person whole again. My education helped me be patient and learn how to read between the lines, but it was my poetic voice that gave people a medium to connect the dots inside themselves. I strongly believe that transformation starts with knowing one’s self, but enlightenment comes with carrying the torch for others, so that they too can find the light.

"New Mexico has such a unique sense of spirit, as we are branded the “Land of Enchantment” for a reason. You can only find it here, in our mountain air, the cleansing waters, and the healing dirt. Our people comprise a melting pot-fused with belief, wonder, and old traditions. Far Too often we are overlooked and yes, sometimes plagued without resources, but through the art of storytelling, and the strong connections we have to one another, perhaps we can find a means of cohesiveness, and craft the art of healing together.

"This project is dedicated to all those loved ones who were lost to their own shadows of darkness, and for those who are trying to find the courage to fight another day."

Sara in Action:

"I am a first generation high school/college graduate, and I pursued the science of Psychology at the University of New Mexico. I wanted to have a better understanding of human behavior. Why? Why, when we know what is right, do we go Left based on our emotion or circumstance? After slowly learning how to “fix” myself, I paved a career in social work and community service in hope to help others in THEIR struggles. I worked in hospitality to pay the bills and toiled in service organizations like ENLACE, PB&J Family Services, Sequoyah Adolescent Treatment Center, and Service Organization for Youth.

“I don’t know how to fix it, but I know it starts with a conversation.”